Creativity. Curiosity. Connection.

We believe creative expression is the backbone of humanity and a force for positive change. Our mission is to fuel the innovative, inquisitive nature that lies within each of us and support working artists, makers, and writers who are doing the same.


Explore our site! We are more than just an online shop. Part of our mission is to inspire curiosity and help draw connections between creativity and the world around us. We regularly explore creative themes and present them on our site. Checkout our homepage for opportunities to learn and engage.


We work hard to incorporate elements of art and literature, history, and process into our online shop. Visit our ever-growing resource page and archives to learn more about the themes we explore here at Papernoten. It is our hope that we can become a useful resource for parents, teachers, and other creatives.


Our biggest goal is to support independent artists and writers! We work with talented creative individuals to design thoughtful and useful paper goods and gifts for your home, studio, and office. Every purchase you make helps support our independent artists as they continue to create.


Connection is so important. Whether we are connecting with other people or simply connecting ideas, making ties between ourselves and  the world around us creates stronger minds and healthier communities. We hope that this little space on the internet becomes a source for connecting with artists, writers, and other creative and curious minds. 

Our Commitment


We work with independent artists and writers to create greeting cards, fine art prints, zines, books, creative paper goods, and gifts. Our goal is to support our creative partners by ensuring they are paid fairly and generously for their work and are treated with the respect and attention they deserve. All of our creative partners receive their own, dedicated page on our site as a way to help them build their own following and connect with potential buyers, fans, and collectors.


All of our products are produced to high standards of quality, durability and sustainability. Many are handmade in the Papernoten studio while great thought and care has been given to products that cannot be made in-house. We also work directly with our creative collaborators to assure that their work is properly represented.


It is an odd balance to strike between wanting to reduce mindless overconsumption while trying to sell goods. Not contributing to the destruction of our environment is a top priority for Papernoten.

Currently, we use little-to-no plastic in our packaging or products, our greeting cards and envelopes are printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, as are many of our other products. We choose our printing partners based on their commitment to the environment as well as quality—this means environmentally responsible printing processes, inks, and papers.

We are committed to continued improvement in areas of real and meaningful sustainability.

ART FOR ALL         

We believe that creativity is an innate part of being a human, therefore it belongs to all of us. Papernoten is committed to lifting the voices of people who have been traditionally marginalized, forgotten, dismissed, and banned. We are also committed to providing a safe online space for everyone to enjoy. Diversity and equity are necessary in building a better future for humans and the planet on which we live.

Our Values + Beliefs

We value a lot of things, but here is a non-exhaustive list in no particular order:

Cozy corners
Good books
A good laugh
A good cry
Community is key
Taking action
Observing closely

Respect for the earth
Respect for all life
Open minds
Natural beauty
Speaking up
Slowing down

Rainy days
Sunny days
Speaking truth to power
Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity
Equal justice for all
The pursuit of knowledge
Creativity is a powerful force
Rest is a crucial part of life

Creative Submissions

Are you an artist or writer interested in collaborating with us to create thoughtful and creative goods with your work? Did you read our Values + Beliefs and think that we are a company you’d like to work with?

Submit your information and questions here: Creative Submissions