Lindsey Aarts | Astoria, Oregon

My name is Lindsey Aarts, and I am the creator and owner of Papernoten and an independent artist living on the Oregon Coast.

With one foot in a fine art practice, and one in the world of graphic design, I started Papernoten as a way to flex my creative muscles while doing something meaningful with my skills. I believe strongly in the power of creativity, curiosity, and connection to fuel positive change, and I hope this small shop in the corner of the internet becomes a place of inspiration, learning, and community.

Our audience is anyone with a curious mind, a creative soul, and a desire to see positive change in the world—we don’t shy away from our humanity here!

The most meaningful part of this venture is providing an outlet for artists, makers, and writers to promote their work and earn income—my goal is to cultivate a truly win/win situation for Papernoten and its contributors. As an artist, it feels good to provide a service to others trying to survive this modern world doing something that fills their soul.

